Our Showrooms
For our local wholesale customers we have a showroom in our warehouse located in Palmetto, FL at 1612 20th Ave. East. We have thousands of items you can view and purchase, same day.
We only sell to businesses so if you are a new customer please bring you tax resale certificate and remember there is a minimum purchase of $150 each visit.
Our salesman can assist you with any questions you may have. If you call in your order a few days in advance we can have it ready for you to pick up. Our hours of operation are Mon.-Fri, 8am to 5pm. Our phone number is 941-722-0408. We ask that you please take no pictures while you are in the showroom. There are pictures of our shell inventory on our website. You also must purchase anything that you open within the showroom.
We also have 2 mobile tractor trailer showrooms, that service 10 established routes along the coast from Mississppi to New Jersey. Truck customers are long time established customers that spend an average minimum of $500 per visit. If you are a frequent buyer in one of our territories and would like the truck to stop at your location, please inquire with our office. We will have to review your account history and location to verify your account is serviceable by one of our trucks, before you will be added to the route.